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Reports of anti-social behaviour and violence reduce in town centre

Devon & Cornwall Police LogoPolice Inspector Ben Shardlow shares information on the reduction in reported crime, updates on youth related anti-social behaviour and an investigation into a graffiti series.

Reduction in reports of town centre anti-social behaviour and violence

We’re pleased to share that reports of anti-social behaviour and violence in the town centre have reduced significantly. We have received positive feedback from the public and councillors, who have all stated how they have noticed a difference within the town centre.

To ensure we continue to deter people committing crime in Totnes, we will maintain our high visibility foot patrols across different locations and times of day. If you see our officers out on patrol, please do come and speak to them.

If you have any concerns about specific areas or individuals – share this with us. Your reports and intelligence can really help our investigations and might just be that missing piece we are waiting for.

Youth related anti-social behaviour (ASB)

Officers have received recent reports relating to ASB incidents and criminal damage with associated community impact by young people under the age of 18. We take these offences very seriously and our officers are currently conducting investigations to identify those responsible. They will be working with local education and business owners to ensure this behaviour is addressed.

ASB takes many forms, from aggressive, noisy or abusive behaviour to neighbourhood disturbances involving drugs or animals. If you’ve witnessed antisocial behaviour, please report it to us here.

Totnes Police looking over some grafitti tags in The Rotherfold Totnes
Tagging in the Rotherfold

Investigation into a graffiti series
Neighbourhood Officers have completed a significant investigation into a series of graffiti incidents across the South Hams, including Totnes. A suspect has been identified, interviewed and will be charged with multiple offences. This is a positive outcome for the team and the local community.

As a message to people who are looking to cause criminal damage in Totnes – I hope this result highlights that our police officers take these crimes seriously and they will not be tolerated in our communities. Officers will be doing all that they can to identify and arrest those responsible.
I’d also like to say a thank you to our communities, your reports and intelligence have really helped to support our investigation.

Rogue Traders

As the warmer weather approaches, we tend to see an increase in reports about rogue traders. We’d like to continue to remind our communities about the signs to look out for and how to avoid falling victim.

Here are some useful posters and leaflets which share information about what to do if you are approached by a suspected rogue trader:

Meet your local police officersTotnes Police foot patrol in the Narrows

We continue to run our regular engagement sessions in the community, and I’d like to encourage as many people as possible to come along and see us. It’s an informal setting and a great opportunity for you to share your thoughts, concerns and feedback to our police teams.

Additionally, if you have any questions, need support or would like crime prevention advice, our officers can provide you with details and resources to help.

Upcoming meetings:

  • Monday 6 May, 12-1pm – Totnes Train station
  • Friday 10 May, 10am onwards, Totnes Methodist Church
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