Could you be a Devon county councillor?
It is a fantastic way to give back to your community and you don’t need any specific experience - just energy, passion and a commitment to making a difference. Our aim is to have a diverse and representative council, which means having councillors from all backgrounds and experiences, who reflect ...
SoundArt Radio Hosts a Media weekend
SoundArt presents a weekend of walks, broadcasts, workshops, panel discussions, audio production and nice food at the new Soundart Radio studio on the Dartington Hall Estate. This is part of The Media Transformed, an initiative of the Media Reform Coalition supported by Joseph Rowntree; and Futures on Air funded by ...
Ben Roberts’ visionary new project ‘Vibrator’
Totnes composer and cellist harnesses sacred frequencies to elevate wellbeing and inspire a creative revolution among his audience. Accomplished cellist and touring musician Ben Roberts has announced his new project "Vibrator" will be released as an album on October 12th followed by a live immersive performance at St Mary’s Church, ...
Your last chance to visit the last ever exhibition of costumes at Bogan House
Your last chance to visit the last ever exhibition of textiles & costumes at Bogan House is this Friday. 4th October After decades of displaying thousands of glorious clothes, the Devonshire Collection of Period Costume is moving to Falmouth. I had a look round on Saturday as part of the ...
ESW CEO Matthew Shanks Speaks Out at Labour Party Conference
Matthew Shanks, the CEO of Education South West, (ESW) a trust that runs fourteen schools across Devon including Kevicc, was in Liverpool this week to attend the Labour Party Conference. Mr Shanks currently chairs the Department for Education Secondary Headteacher Reference Group which advises on the potential impact of policies on ...
Farmers Against Farmwashing
British farming is on its knees. Multiple factors contributed, from climate change to ongoing uncertainty about government support. But the main issue is that farmers just cannot survive the prices, trading terms, and insecurity imposed on them by the Big Six supermarkets. A year ago, we wrote to supermarkets as ...