At last – new homes for local renters.
It’s been a long time coming but work on 39 homes for local people to rent looks set to begin this autumn.
Transition Homes Community Land Trust , South Hams District Council and Aster, a large housing association, have exchanged contracts to build the flats and houses at Clay Park just outside Dartington.

It has taken since 2013 to bring the plan to fruition. Work began a few years ago but the fields have been fenced off while the Community Land Trust (CLT) battled through thickets of funding problems.
Erica Lewis, a trustee of the CLT, explained:”In August 2022 we were nearly good to go with funding and builders in place, then Liz Truss happened.”
Interest rates went up , which made the cost of repaying a near £10 million loan unviable.
“We thought we would have to sell the site,” Erica said. “I’m thrilled . Aster can access funding that we, as a CLT, cannot.”
In fact the delay has a silver lining. Instead of having to build some open market housing to finance the scheme, as was planned, the deal with Aster means ALL the homes will be for rent.
While there will not be a micro grid to deal with the solar energy from the panels on roofs, the houses will have air source heat pumps and solar panels.

Unless there any more hiccups, she said work will start this autumn. Aster will develop the site on behalf of the CLT.
Would be Clay Park residents have to be registered on Devon Home Choice and preference will be given in the first instance to people with strong Dartington connections. Flats will be available for young people and for adults with learning disabilities, managed by United Response ( formerly the Robert Owen Foundation).