NewsTotnes Town

Are you ready to Transition?

The Transition Streets project supports groups of neighbours to build stronger connections and share more, from tools and equipment, to skills, transport, meals, growing spaces, friendship and support. People who take part report feeling a much stronger sense of belonging in the community. Many streets then go on to set up projects including Play Streets sessions, street parties, garden sharing and growing projects, mending and making evenings, car and bikes shares. The possibilities are endless.

We are launching the 2023 round of the project. People from Totnes, and communities within 10 miles, are invited to take part at an Intro Evening on Wed March 22nd from 7-9pm in Totnes. Booking here. The session will cover everything you need to set up a group on your street/village, including;

  • An explanation of the project and how it works

  • Some stories from previous participants

  • A run through of our Starter Pack with all the things you need to recruit your neighbours and form a group

  • Some time to explore ideas about how we can make our street/village a more sharing, caring and greener place to live


Transition Streets is a 7-session programme that you take part in with your neighbours. Groups of 6-8 households meet 7 times over 3-4 months and in the process become better connected and support each other to take practical action individually and collectively to address the cost of living, energy and climate crises.

After some initial support from a Transition Streets facilitator at the first session, groups are then self-led. Everyone is given an easy-to-read Transition Streets Handbook and groups are guided through topics including Energy, Resource Use, Transport, Food and Water.

More info about the project at, Facebook @transitionstreets, Instagram @transition_streets or email us at

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