EntertainmentPulseTotnes Town

We Have A Winner!

Last month we opened up our first competition and it featured a fantastic prize that’s well worth winning…

Dinner for 4 people at the Bull Inn!

The Why This Field campaign are changing direction slightly and have become consultants representing the Totnes Community in the battle to save the Kevicc lower field from the developers for the benefit of Totnes as a whole.

It’s a sad state of affairs that such a situation should occur and the fight has not yet been won, but the Totnes Heritage Trust are now heading up the cause to save the space, and next month we will be writing up a current-state-of play for you in full…

In the meantime, with the WTF! name being slightly controversial it was was decided to put the re-naming out to you. There were a lot of really great entries and the decision making by the WTF team: Paul Wesley, Lisa Strawbridge and Geetie Watson-Singh was not at all easy!

And the winner is:

Matt James!

He suggested: “How about “TBC – Totnes Building Community“ which continues the 3 letter acronym style but is a little more accepted and also stands for something which implies a positive future with further dialogue…”

Not an actual logo! Just an idea…


Geetie liked the double meaning behind the name and won everyone ’round. so congratulations Matt, you’re in for real treat!

A huge thanks to everyone who came up with ideas and suggestions and it’s a shame we can only have one winner.

Or how about this?!
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Verity Newman
Verity Newman
1 year ago

Good name!

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