Good-will celebrations…
Totnes refugee support group Beyond Borders Totnes and District network are inviting people to extend generosity towards asylum-seekers in Plymouth and Torbay for an annual, good-will celebration. They are asking if locals can bring gifts for people (mostly men) who survived trauma and been forced to seek refuge far from their families, friends and home.
There is a special event organised in St Johns Church Bridgetown where they are asking for unwrapped gifts. Messages and cards can be written at the the same time.
They have also arranged drop off points at The Albert Inn and The Bay Horse Inn where gifts can be left between the 1st December up until the 8th.
“Our event celebrates numerous ways many local people offer time, friendship, support & outings to asylum-seekers and refugees – in return enjoying company and friendship of many courageous, skilful people who have fled to this country seeking life-saving sanctuary, ready to contribute much-needed skills and work energy.”
Gifts will be distributed by Devon & Cornwall Refugee Support and Mt Gould Hospital team in Plymouth. They would like gifts like you might give a friend or cousin. Suggested items include toiletries, warm clothing items, sweet food, confectionary, dried fruit/nuts, a general use shopping voucher.
There will be refreshment donations and a raffle supporting the Plymouth Red Cross Refugee Family Reunion project.
Gathering and Gifts event, St. John’s church, Bridgetown, 6.30-9 pm Friday December 8th