Election Candidates Quizzed with Open Letter on Gaza
(Updated on 3rd June 2024)
Dear Candidate for South Devon General Election June 2024
Totnes Friends of Palestine are contacting you and all general election candidates openly with this list of pre-election questions.
Common humanity, compassion and outrage at the atrocities we see happening is felt by the great majority of the British public, and many also have relations with families and friends in affected areas.
Blanket statements that fail to deal with specifics will not suffice.
We expect from our future representative full and close engagement with the points raised, and specific commitments that we will hold you to.
The ongoing seven and a half months of mass murder of civilians and carpet-bombing of everything necessary for life has been horrific; following the horrific events on October 7th and hostage-taking; following 76 years of horrific violence and injustice before that.
What matters most is now and securing a better future.
Please can you read and respond to each question with a sincere Yes / No and an optional Comment within 14 days, in the knowledge we will hold you to your words should you win and will see through obfuscation.
There’s a brief FYI commentary and a link(s) to supporting information with each question that we trust you will read. We will share publicly how you respond.
If you become MP for South Devon will you commit to use official channels open to you as well as your public voice to do your absolute best to support and bring about the following:
1) – an Immediate Ceasefire and the Unhindered Supply of Aid to desperate starving Gazans?
FYI: Despite UK-US politicians generally backing and whitewashing the actions of close ally and arms-buyer Israel as ‘self-defence’, the mass murder in Gaza has been assessed as among the most, if not THE most, intensive killing of civilians IN HISTORY!
But even that horrific accolade is matched by Gazans facing the most intense mass starvation.
The outrageous level of brutality using cutting edge technology with desperate, homeless completely unprotected tent-living Gazan families as the victims has been described as “Israel killing people in a concentration camp” in hard to take in but painfully accurate reports.
Please read:
2) – the Release of Hostages-Prisoners on both sides?
FYI: The plight of around 100 remaining Israeli hostages taken by Hamas on Oct 7th is of course rightly a huge news story, but a tiny fraction of that level of attention is given to the over 10,000 Palestinians being held by the Israeli military. The shocking harrowing reality of life and painful death in some of Israel’s torture camps for mostly completely innocent victims is increasingly leaking out.
Please read:
3) – an End to Ethnic Cleansing Across the Whole of Palestine, in both Gaza and the West Bank?
FYI: The destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, universities and all the basics of life forcing Palestinians inside Gaza to run for their lives in their hundreds of thousands from one part of the 25 x 5 miles besieged enclave to another, set up camp and then Israel bombing them again, is a clear case of genocide, as expressed by the UN and politicians of many countries across the world, bar Israel itself and its closest supporters – including the UK.
Mostly unreported, Israeli settlers often with military support have also extended their violent ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, where there is no Hamas. Yet still the blame for Israel’s ethnic cleansing there is thrown back onto the Palestinians being ethnically-cleansed!
Please read:
4) – a Just and Negotiated Permanent Resolution Starting with The UK joining most of the world in recognising the State of Palestine?
As more and more countries recognise the state of Palestine – Ireland, Spain and Norway the most recent – leaving the US, UK and Israel itself increasingly isolated, the current unprecedented violence and destruction must draw to a close 76 years of injustice. Whether a 2-state solution, or one equal rights nation following S Africa’s model, the future cannot be left in the hands of violent extremists. The UK recognising Palestine is a key step in the process.
Please read:
5) – the Fulfilment of the Demands of International Law, as per the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice?
FYI: The UK has shown scant regard for international law, or for its own ‘ethics rules’ on arms-trading. There can be no global security, truth or justice if the ICJ and ICC, as well as UN judgements are flouted as they are by Israel. All countries need to comply.
Further, the evidence that Israel has been not only tapping the phones of the ICC for years, but intimidating its staff with blatant mafia-style threats is damning of the country and our close relations with it, and the whole possibility of Western / global justice.
Please read:
6) – the Protection from Harm of all International and Palestinian Journalists in Gaza and the West Bank so that the Reality on the Ground does Not Remain Obscured, serving the occupier Israel?
FYI: Israel has killed 107 journalists and media workers in Gaza as of May 28.
Please read this report from the Committee to Protect Journalists
7) – the Immediate Ending of all UK Arms Trading with Israel while War Crimes are Unanswered and while a Negotiated Permanent Resolution is Absent?
FYI: Please read the report from this award-winning British charity on how UK arms that enable mass murder in Gaza make our leaders here “morally bankrupt and unforgivable”.
We look forward to hearing your responses.
Thank you,
On Behalf of Totnes Friends of Palestine

Thank you for your email.

This response was received from Green Party Parliamentary Candidate Robert Bagnall on 3rd June
1) – an Immediate Ceasefire and the Unhindered Supply of Aid to desperate starving Gazans?
Comment: As is ever the case in war, those most affected by conflict have the least control over events. An immediate, unconditional, and unambiguous ceasefire is required as a first step to stopping the suffering and delivering aid where it is needed.
2) – the Release of Hostages-Prisoners on both sides?
Comment: Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (to which Israel is a signatory) states: “Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.” This describes both Israeli hostages and the thousands of Palestinians held under ‘administrative detention’, meaning without charge. They should all be released without delay.
3) – an End to Ethnic Cleansing Across the Whole of Palestine, in both Gaza and the West Bank?
Comment: In March 2024, Francesca Albanese ,the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories said there are “reasonable grounds” to believe that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Similarly, the ICJ has called Israel’s action a ‘plausible genocide’. The charge of genocide needs to be tested through the courts under international law.
4) – a Just and Negotiated Permanent Resolution Starting with The UK joining most of the world in recognising the State of Palestine?
Comment: What is important is that Israelis and Palestinians find a sustained resolution themselves, which means respecting each other as equals. If recognition of Palestine as a separate state is a step along that journey, I am supportive. Whether the ultimate solution involves one or two states is for the Palestinians and Israelis to decide. However, as a Green, my ambition is a world without borders, hence advocating more borders appears perverse–but we are a long way from that ambition, in the Middle East more than most places.
5) – the Fulfilment of the Demands of International Law, as per the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice?
Comment: International law is not something you comply with only as and when it suits. I take the need for governments to uphold the rule of law as being self-evident.
6) – the Protection from Harm of all International and Palestinian Journalists in Gaza and the West Bank so that the Reality on the Ground does Not Remain Obscured, serving the occupier Israel?
Comment: War reporting is by its nature highly dangerous, and 107 journalists have died reporting on this conflict (I take issue with your phrasing that “Israel has killed 107 journalists and media workers”). However, that something more than inherent risk is driving casualty rates is suggested by (to quote your article, quoting the UN) “the extraordinarily high numbers of journalists and media workers who have been killed, attacked, injured and detained”. Of the 107 who have died, three deaths have been adjudged by the Committee to Protect Journalists to be potentially murder following targetting by the Israeli Defence Force. Whether three or 107 or a number in-between, journalists are civilians and are protected by International Law. The deliberate targeting of civilians constitutes a war crime, and should be treated as such, again through the appropriate courts.
7) – the Immediate Ending of all UK Arms Trading with Israel while War Crimes are Unanswered and while a Negotiated Permanent Resolution is Absent?
Comment: Our supply of arms to the aggressor feeds the flames of this conflict. I have already stated my support for a categoric, unambiguous ceasefire; the continued supply of munitions is incompatible with that ambition.